Registrants For
70th Annual Sarasota Sailing Squadron Labor Day Regatta

September 02-04, 2016
63 people have registered for this event

Optimist RWB
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Richard Menke
Clearwater community sailing center 11111 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 07/31/2016
2. Mason Sullivan
MRPF 15014 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/10/2016
3. Julia Conneely
CCSC 12914 - Optimist RWB / Blue Mclaughlin / optimist - 08/17/2016
4. Connor Snead
MRPF 15106 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / Optimist - 08/09/2016
5. Kaitlyn Liebel
Sarasota Youth Sailing USA20887 - Optimist RWB / Blue McLaughlin / Opti - 08/24/2016
6. Cate Paxton
Sarasota Youth Sailing 20008 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / opti - 08/12/2016
7. Grady Paxton
Sarasota Youth Sailing 20483 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / opti - 08/12/2016
8. Leah Bartlett
Brenda Bartlett
vyba 19725 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/14/2016
9. Isabella Shakespeare
SPYC 14303 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/14/2016
10. Alexis Young
DIYC / LIMA 16182 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/17/2016
11. Ryan Garraty
NCSC 14684 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/14/2016
12. Harrison Molesky
MRPF 14294 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/10/2016
13. Ethan Danielson
SPYC 15537 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/24/2016
14. Kuno Paasch
Clearwater csc 8298 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/11/2016
15. Thommie Grit
Sarasota Youth Sailing 20398 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/11/2016
16. Preston Weaver
CCSC 21554 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/11/2016
17. Avery Florio
Sarasota Youth Sailing 19308 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / opti - 08/13/2016
18. Elizabeth McCree
DIYC 15299 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/26/2016
19. Madi Icely
Spyc 18963 - Optimist RWB / Blue Winner / Optimist - 08/28/2016
20. Alex Erwin
CCSC 16849 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/10/2016
21. Lauren Connell
NCSC 19796 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/13/2016
22. Claire Miller
DIYC 18897 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/28/2016
23. Sebastian Spinelli-Sax
Sarasota Youth Sailing 20818 na Optimist RWB / Blue Zoom / Optimist - 08/31/2016
24. Owen Wicks
CCSC 19356 Opti Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/20/2016
25. Carson Page
Naples Community Sailing Center 18809 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/14/2016
26. natalie Gavrielov
Eliahu Gavrielov 18081 - Optimist RWB / Blue - / - - 08/17/2016
27. Alyssa JONGSMA
Dan Jongsma
VYBA 17673 5 Optimist RWB / Blue - / Opti - 08/31/2016
28. Morgan Smith
Venice Youth Boating 19306 na Optimist RWB / Blue - / Opti - 08/17/2016
29. Logan Rimel
spyc 16138 - Optimist RWB / Blue McLaughlin / opti - 08/12/2016
30. Mia Hanes
Sarasota Youth Sailing 19712 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/30/2016
31. Bryce Tone
Sarasota Youth Sailing USA20382 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/30/2016
32. Maggie Walker
Maggie Walker
NCSC 12340 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/14/2016
33. William weinbecker
The Florida Yacht Club 18599 - Optimist RWB / Red Opti / - - 08/23/2016
34. Camden Sullivan
MRPF 20819 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/10/2016
35. Patrick Igoe
Naples Community Sailing Center 20725 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/17/2016
36. Savannah Young
DIYC / LIMA 21445 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/17/2016
37. Benjamin Axline
NAPLES CSC 20722 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/14/2016
38. Christopher Axline
NAPLES CSC 20723 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/14/2016
39. JJ (Jessica) Smith
Sarasota Youth Sailing 19039 - Optimist RWB / Red - / Opti - 08/25/2016
40. Devin Wade
Sarasota Youth Sailing 20686 - Optimist RWB / Red McLaughlin / Opti - 08/02/2016
41. madison roy
rob roy
DIYSF 12058 - Optimist RWB / Red Mclaughlin / Opti - 08/26/2016
42. Bridget Monahan
FYC 17772 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/15/2016
43. Thomas Connell
NCSC 19710 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/13/2016
44. Sidney Jones
st petersburg yacht club 10961 - Optimist RWB / Red Lange / opti - 08/28/2016
45. Larry Thomas
CCSC 18087 - Optimist RWB / Red Opti / Pram - 08/31/2016
46. Adrian Winkelman
CCSC 10677 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/08/2016
47. Emily Allen
SPYC 15993 Sea Life Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/07/2016
48. Zachary Waldman
CCSC 20409 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/10/2016
49. Maverick Putnam
CCSC 11157 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/30/2016
50. Garret Murphy
Garret Blake Murphy
MRPF 13614 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/14/2016
51. Alexander Vafeas
Alexander Vafeas
Sarasota Youth Sailing 16030 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 08/28/2016
52. Cameron Oursler
CCSC 20466 - Optimist RWB / Red - / - - 09/02/2016
53. Taylor Brown
SPYC 19608 - Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/21/2016
54. Trent Boiceff
St Petersburg Yacht Club 19075 Enterprise Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/14/2016
55. Charles Hackel
PYC/ LIMA 21447 Opti Optimist RWB / White McLaughlin PRO Racer / McLaughlin PRO Racer - 08/23/2016
56. dorothy mendelblatt
spyc 7940 - Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/27/2016
57. Ava Shakespeare
SPYC 11168 - Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/14/2016
58. Asher Carriero
NCSC 20280 - Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/27/2016
59. Kate Danielson
SPYC 18281 - Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/24/2016
60. Peyton Weaver
CCSC 20681 - Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/11/2016
61. Mary Katherine Monahan
FYC 18034 - Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/15/2016
62. James Freund
MRPF 17295 - Optimist RWB / White - / - - 08/05/2016

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